Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Life Down Our Country Road

Well, it’s officially spring at the Johnson farm.  I look forward to this time of year because it means I have the privilege of following my sweet husband around.

Yesterday our project was to start planting CRP (Crop Reduction Program) ground.  That means that my job is to help move equipment from one field to another, usually driving the pickup and following Terry, who is on the tractor and no-till drill.  When we get to a field, I wait until that acreage is planted and repeat the process.

This entails lots of windshield time, listening to the radio and having a good book to read while waiting at the field.  I might slip a nap in there someplace too. 

Every now and again, if we’re close to town, I might get to slip away for a few minutes and go to the grocery store and procure refreshments for my hubby and myself.  Of course, for females this takes some strategic planning.  We don’t want to eat or drink anything that might require us to have to find a tree or bush more frequently than absolutely necessary. 

Men being less modest than us girls don’t see the problem.  They don’t understand that ladies prefer not to be surprised by the occasional passer-by.  It takes careful planning to get the pickup parked just right to optimize privacy. There may not have been any traffic down that road for months, but it sure seems like when nature calls, the area turns into a tourist hot spot. 

But, I digress. 

This time of year means I get to do more with my husband and I love it.  I don’t know if Terry loves it, but I do know he’s glad I’m there to help him.  If my helping saves him extra steps, I’m happy to do it.   It’s the small, seemingly unimportant and sometimes boring things to me that mean the most to him.  It reminds me of the scripture in Genesis that talks about Eve being a help-mate for Adam. 

I take pleasure in doing what I can to assist my husband as he goes about his day, earning a living for his family.  Few people are blessed to have the honor of working side-by-side with their life-mate. 

I know some women think it's degrading and beneath them to help their husband with anything or that their time is much more valuable than their husband's.  When I talk about helping my husband or following him around, I usually get raised eyebrows and the question, "Can't he do anything for himself?" or "I guess if something has to be done, get a woman to do it right."  

Frankly, I find those kinds of comments unnecessary. My husband does so much on his own and if he wants it done right, he will do it himself. He isn't helpless and he is more than capable on his own.  It's just kind of nice that he knows he can call on me to help him out now and again.

So, until the end of harvest, many times you’ll see me following my best friend around the country.  Window down, listening to the radio and loving every minute of it.  That’s just part of life down our country road.


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